Saturday September 21st 2019
WOD: In teams of 2 (1 person working at a time) 5 rounds for time (partners will work 2 minutes on and off until they [...]
WOD: In teams of 2 (1 person working at a time) 5 rounds for time (partners will work 2 minutes on and off until they [...]
WOD: Squat clean thruster . Squat clean . Front squat . Split jerk (1 set every 2 min x 7 sets ) (reset at [...]
WOD: A1: Wtd. Pronated Strict Pullups (3 reps @ 30X1 x 5 sets rest :45) A2: Barbell Bicep Curl (8 reps @ 30X0 x 5 [...]
WOD: Split Jerk (3 reps x 5 sets every 1m30) (start blank bar) -- your last set of 3 should be slightly challenging.. not a [...]
WOD: Metcon (4 Rounds for weight) EMOM 1st min: 1 rope climb 2nd min: 2 Over the shoulder sand bag tosses 3rd min: 30 double [...]
WOD: T&G Power Snatch . Oh Squat (1 complex every 1m45 x 9 sets ) 2.2 Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) @ 90% effort :90 [...]
WOD: Todays workout is on a running clock @ 0 : Metcon (Time) Run 600m @ 85% effort *Rx+ 800m - this is if you [...]
WOD: 091419 Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) 20 min AMRAP in teams of 2 w/ equal work 200 Cal Row *You may only accumulate [...]
WOD: 091319 Some CrossFit Southie WODS for 2019 Hulk Salad (Find max within 15 minutes) 2 Power Clean + 2 Front Squat + 2 Shoulder [...]
WOD: EMOM 1st min: Bent Over Double arm DB Row w/ :02 pause @ top, 10 reps 2nd min: 12/10 Cals on ski 3rd min: [...]