Workout of the day:

A1.Weighted Ring Chin up 4-6 reps, rest 1 min

A2. Standing single arm dumbell press 8/8 ,rest 1 min x 4 sets

B. 15 min EMOM:

1st: 30 double under

2nd: :30 hollow body rock

3rd: :30 AMRAP HSPU ( strict/Kipping/HS hold)


Coach spotlight:

Itamar Cohen


Where did you grow up?

I grew up a little upstate, in Highland Mills, NY

What sports/activities did you partake in growing up?

I played soccer growing up and into college

When did you first get into crossfit and how did it eventually lead you to coaching?

I got into CrossFit in September of 2012 through the CrossFit club on campus at Stony Brook University. We got access to the local affiliate after hours with a student-coach. As the club grew we needed an additional coach, so I got certified to help run the club.

What do you do outside of coaching at PCF?

I’m training to compete at Regionals one day, so when I’m outside of PCF, if I’m not training I’m usually relaxing on the couch with my girlfriend and dog.

What do you like to do on your days off?

On my days off I usually get bodywork and treatments done at Point of Life Acupuncture. Then we usually drive out east to get some treats and relax with family/friends.

What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is steak or a really awesome sandwich

What is your favorite movie?

I love the Marvel movies, hard to pick a favorite

What is your favorite crossfit movement?

My favorite movement is a heavy squat snatch

Least favorite movement?

Least favorite movement is cycling a light power snatch  (weird, I know)

Name 3 things on your bucket list:

-Competing at the CrossFit Games and traveling, especially around the Mediterranean

What are 3 essential things you cannot live without?

Dogs, barbells, and food

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

Most people don’t know that I was born in Israel and the Hebrew is my first language. My whole family lives there currently

Final thoughts or advice for readers?

Take care of yourselves. We CrossFit for our health and wellness, but just training alone can be detrimental. Work on mobility, improve your nutrition, sleep well and enough, get acupuncture/massages/adjustments, and do accessory work for joint health. We are in the gym for 1 hour a day, but the other 23 are just as important.