In the book The Obstacle is The Way, the author Ryan Holiday describes “the inner citadel” a concept that he explains as “the fortress inside of us that external adversity can ever break down. An important caveat is that we are not born with such a structure; it must be built and actively reinforced. during the good times, we strengthen ourselves and our bodies so that during the difficult times, we can depend on it. We protect our inner fortress so it can protect us”. He goes on, “the path of least resistance is a terrible teacher. We can’t afford to shy away from the things that intimidate us. We don’t need to take our weaknesses for granted.” Yesterday we talked about how certain lifts or movements or entire workouts may be out of our wheelhouse. But sometimes being uncomfortable is what we need to provoke change. It helps strengthen us so that we can take on other obstacles that life may throw at us. Are you taking the path of least resistance?