10 minutes of bar kipping skill
1-5 BMU (most advanced)
–this can be as basic as purely practicing how to kip; anywhere from T2b, Pullup, CTB & BMU
(take about 6-7 sets of whatever your practicing within the 10 minute time frame)
1-5 BMU (most advanced)
–this can be as basic as purely practicing how to kip; anywhere from T2b, Pullup, CTB & BMU
(take about 6-7 sets of whatever your practicing within the 10 minute time frame)
19 min AMRAP
(rest 1 minute after every 3 minutes of work)
*rest 3-4,7-8,11-12,15-16
*Start where you leave off each time*
3 Burpee CTB
6 Hang Power Clean @ 135lb/95lb
9 DL @ 135lb/95lb
12 Box Jumps @ 24″/20″
(rest 1 minute after every 3 minutes of work)
*rest 3-4,7-8,11-12,15-16
*Start where you leave off each time*
3 Burpee CTB
6 Hang Power Clean @ 135lb/95lb
9 DL @ 135lb/95lb
12 Box Jumps @ 24″/20″
Rx+ Bar Muscle ups ONLY; no burpee needs to be performed
Masters 55+/15- 115lb/75lb