A1: Russian Step ups on box (8 reps per leg x 4 sets rest :30)
hold dbells at side
A2: Hold FLR on rings :45 x 4 sets rest :30
advanced hold Ring Support (maintain hollow position), accumulate :40
A3: Good Mornings (15 reps @ 2011 x 4 sets rest :30)
A4: Palms up banded Pull aparts, 20 reps x 4 sets rest :30
(3 Rounds for reps)
:60 AMRAP Wall Balls @ 20lb/14lb
:60 rest
:60 Row for cals
:60 rest
:60 Double Unders
:60 rest
:60 rest
:60 Row for cals
:60 rest
:60 Double Unders
:60 rest
Masters 55+/15-; 20lb to 9ft, 12lb to 9ft