A: 4 sets:
3 Over the shoulder tosses w/ sand bag
rest :30
15 Russian KB Swings
rest :30
FLR on rings, :30-:60
Rest :60 b/t sets
3 Over the shoulder tosses w/ sand bag
rest :30
15 Russian KB Swings
rest :30
FLR on rings, :30-:60
Rest :60 b/t sets
*score is heaviest set of sandbag plus heaviest KB swing*
rest 5 min after A is complete
B: 3 sets:
12 Ring Rows (elevate feet to make more challenging)
rest :45
15 Double arm bicep Hammer Curls
Rest :45
12 Ring Rows (elevate feet to make more challenging)
rest :45
15 Double arm bicep Hammer Curls
Rest :45
rest 5 min after B
C: 4 sets:
:20 Sumo DLHP 24kg/16kg
:20 rest
:20 Anchored strict sit ups
:20 rest
:20 Sumo DLHP 24kg/16kg
:20 rest
:20 Anchored strict sit ups
:20 rest
Masters 55+ – 20kg/12kg
*anchored strict – Fingers interlock behind head, butt stays in contact with floor, shoulder blades come into contact with floor b/t each rep