A1: Deadlift (5 reps @ 30X1 x 5 sets rest :20)
A2: Metcon (No Measure)
Glute Bridges w/ consistent Banded Abduction tension @ 1013, 12 reps x 5 sets rest 1:30
(use dumbbell to add load to glute bridge)
(use dumbbell to add load to glute bridge)
15 min AMRAP:
100 Single Unders
10 Strict Pronated Pullups
20 Wall Balls @ 20lb/14lb to 10/9
:30 Hollow Body Hold
100 Single Unders
10 Strict Pronated Pullups
20 Wall Balls @ 20lb/14lb to 10/9
:30 Hollow Body Hold
55+/15-; 20lb to 9ft / 12lb to 9ft
**each second of hollow body counts as a rep**