A1: Prone DB Row on medium incline (8 reps @ 30X2 x 5 sets rest :30)
(approx 8-10″ elevation on front)
A2: Metcon (Weight)
:60 farmers Carry Walk x 5 sets rest 2 min

measure is weight of heaviest Bell used. Only register 1 side
B. EMOM x 5 min
10 CTB (rx+ 5 bmu)
EMOM x 5 min
8 Strict pullups
(@10 on the clock)
5 min AMRAP:
5 HPC 95/65
5 Sto
5 bar facing burpee

Rx+ 115lb/75lb
55+/15-: 85/55

(if you do not complete the allotted reps within the minute subtract off AMRAP score)