A1: Strict Press (8 reps x 5 sets )
register heaviest weight (must be unbroken)
A2: Deadlift (8 reps x 5 sets )
register heaviest weight (must be unbroken)
B1: Back Squat (8 reps x 5 sets)
same as A
B2: Supinated Bent Over Barbell Row (8 reps x 5 sets)
Same as A
C. 10 min EMOM:
1st min: 10 strict toes to bar
2nd min: 15 Barbell skull crushers (must make contact with head)
1st min: 10 strict toes to bar
2nd min: 15 Barbell skull crushers (must make contact with head)
rest 5 min
B1/B2 = 10 min EMOM (you may build up throughout)
rest 5 min
C = 10 min EMOM