For time in team of 2
(split work evenly w/ 1 person working at a time unless indicated otherwise)
1200m run
800m Sand bag Run 50/35
2 rounds:
40 Sync(bro) Abmat sit ups
200ft SB Walking Lunges (bear hug) 50/35
100 push ups
100 Box jumps
100 Calorie on rower
1200m run
800m Sand bag Run 50/35
2 rounds:
40 Sync(bro) Abmat sit ups
200ft SB Walking Lunges (bear hug) 50/35
100 push ups
100 Box jumps
100 Calorie on rower
35 min CAP
sync-bro abmat – face one another, give the ole “bro pound” for the rep to count!