Metcon (Weight)
In teams of 2 working one person at time:
10 min time frame
Complete 16 wall walks
In remaining time Find 8RM push press (taken from the ground) using 1 bar per team.
*Score is both weights combined*
— REST 5 min
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Still in teams of 2 w/ 1 person working at a time:
3 min AMRAP
Dbell Burpee Squat clean thrusters 35/25
-REST 1m30 min
3 min AMRAP
Strict Pronated Pullups
-REST 1m30 min
6 min AMRAP
Row For cals
-Rest 3 min
3 min AMRAP
Dbell Burpee Squat clean thrusters 35/25

55+/15- 30/20