this is a 25 min EMOM.. coaches should give about 10 minutes to start workout. Athletes can start with whatever weight they want and work up from there. The score is the heaviest successfull weight used for each section. ALL SETS EXCEPT FOR PULLUPS MUST BE UNBROKEN
0 min: Close Grip Bench Press (10 reps @ 20X1 x 5 sets)
1 min: Front Squat (10 reps @ 20X1 x 5 sets rest :30 )
taken from ground
2 min: Pronated Strict BW Pullups (10 reps x 5 sets rest :30)
complete within :30 — score for this is your worst round
3 min: Heavy russian swings (15 reps x 5 sets rest :30)
you may double up on KBs if you can go heavier than a single Bell
4 min: Metcon (No Measure)
Front Bridge w/ Alt knees to elbows (12 per side)