A1: Glute Bridge DB Floor Press (8 reps @ 2222 x 5 sets rest :60)
A2: Landmine Press (8 reps/arm x 5 sets rest :60)
Perform half kneeling
Metcon (4 Rounds for distance)
1st min: :40 AMRAP ski for meters
2nd min: 25 banded tricep ext, @ ballistic tempo (band of choice)
3rd min: 12/9 cals on bike
4th min: 15 deadlifts 135/95
1st min: :40 AMRAP ski for meters
2nd min: 25 banded tricep ext, @ ballistic tempo (band of choice)
3rd min: 12/9 cals on bike
4th min: 15 deadlifts 135/95
Masters 55+ 115/75