A. 10 min Flow/accessory
15 banded double arm Hammer Curls (:03 eccentric)
15 Ab Rollout on Rings
10 Banded abduction Air Squats
:30/side SL Seated Knee Ext hold
15 banded double arm Hammer Curls (:03 eccentric)
15 Ab Rollout on Rings
10 Banded abduction Air Squats
:30/side SL Seated Knee Ext hold
B. 3 rounds for time w/ partner (split work eqaully, 1 person at a time)
30 Pullups
30 Prison Burpees (females do 2 push-up)
30 Toes to bar
1000m Row
30 Pullups
30 Prison Burpees (females do 2 push-up)
30 Toes to bar
1000m Row
*26 min CAP
(Prison Burpees = 3 push ups + burpee )
–from 3rd push up you may go right into standing to burpee–