Metcon (No Measure)
15 min Flow/accessory
20 Alt Dbell Bicep Curl
15 Banded Tricep Ext
:30 Hollow body flutter kicks
75ft/arm KB Suit-Case Carry
:30 Wall Squat Hold
rest 10 min b/t metcon
20 Alt Dbell Bicep Curl
15 Banded Tricep Ext
:30 Hollow body flutter kicks
75ft/arm KB Suit-Case Carry
:30 Wall Squat Hold
rest 10 min b/t metcon
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min AMRAP
1 LA – TGU 24kg/16kg
*4 Walking OH Lunges before descend*
1 RA – TGU 24kg/16kg
*4 Walking OH Lunges before descend*
10 Push ups
10 Ring Rows
1 LA – TGU 24kg/16kg
*4 Walking OH Lunges before descend*
1 RA – TGU 24kg/16kg
*4 Walking OH Lunges before descend*
10 Push ups
10 Ring Rows
Rx+ 32kg/24kg – Clapping Push ups – Strict Pullups 10/85
55+ 20kg/12kg – push ups – ring rows
Rx for Ring Rows are heals only on ground & passed plane of pullup bar, rings must hit chest
Incomplete rounds = 1 TGU plus 4 TGU equals 5 reps