A. Deadlift (5 reps @ 3030 x 4 sets rest :30)
A1. Russian Step ups on box  (8 reps/leg w/ dbells  x 4 sets rest :30 )
measure weight of heaviest bell (db or kb)
A2. Strict Press (5 reps @ 3030 x 4 sets rest :30 )
divebomber push up (8 reps x 4 sets rest 1 min )
standard push ups if unable to perform.
Tabata hand release push ups (AMRAP – Reps)
8 sets:
20 seconds max reps
10 seconds rest
scored as total reps

rest 1 min
“Top to Bottom” Tabata Squats  (AMRAP – Reps)
8 sets
:20 Air Squats
:10 rest
(rest is done at bottom of air squat position with hips at 90 degrees)

score will be all reps added together
