EMOM x 15 min
1st min: 3 Wtd Strict Pullups
2nd min: 9 kipping Pullups
3rd min: 12 Double arm standing Hammer curls
1st min: 3 Wtd Strict Pullups
2nd min: 9 kipping Pullups
3rd min: 12 Double arm standing Hammer curls
Enter weight of strict pullups in the below section as well as this.
Wtd. Pronated Strict Pullups (3 rep from above section)
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds For time:
30 no jump burpees
20 Step Downs Box jumps 24″/20″
10 CTB
3 rounds For time:
30 no jump burpees
20 Step Downs Box jumps 24″/20″
10 CTB
Cap 13 min
Rx+ 30″/24 ”
Masters 55+ Pullups / step ups
**if masters 55+ wants Rx+ then do the standards for Rx