A1-A3 is more to prep for fight gone bad. start with blank bar and build to heavier than you will use for workout. Do not attempt maximal efforts
A1: Sumo Deadlift High Pull (6-8 T&G reps x 4 sets rest :45)
A2: Banded High to Low Wood Chops (12 reps/side rest :45 )
A3: Push Press (6-8 reps x 4 sets rest :45 )
this is to be taken from the ground and the same weight as your SDLHP
Fight Gone Bad (3 Rounds for reps)
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball Shots (Reps), 20#
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps), 75#
Box Jumps, 20″ (Reps)
Push-press (Reps), 75#
Row (Calories)
1-minute rest
Wall-ball Shots (Reps), 20#
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps), 75#
Box Jumps, 20″ (Reps)
Push-press (Reps), 75#
Row (Calories)
1-minute rest
female is 14lb/55lb
all box jumps are 20″ regardless of gender or category
all box jumps are 20″ regardless of gender or category