A. Overhead Squat (3 reps @ 33X1 — work to tough set within 6-7 sets)
15 min
B. EMOM x 15 min:
1st min: Snatch Grip DL, 8 reps
2nd min: (Seated on Box/ bench) 10 DB strict Press
3rd min: 12/9 Cals on Airbike (:45 CAP)
1st min: Snatch Grip DL, 8 reps
2nd min: (Seated on Box/ bench) 10 DB strict Press
3rd min: 12/9 Cals on Airbike (:45 CAP)
Rx+ 15/12
May build up twice through out workout. Score is measured in heaviest Snatch Grip DL plus heaviest dbell used for strict press (only add one of them)