WOD:4 sets:
3 TGU/arm
rest :30
15 Half kneeling banded cook chops
rest :30
rest :30
15 Half kneeling banded cook chops
rest :30
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
2 person team with 1 person working at a time
20 min AMRAP:
2000m row (switch every 250m)
50 Box jumps 24″/20″
20 person makers 35/25
20 min AMRAP:
2000m row (switch every 250m)
50 Box jumps 24″/20″
20 person makers 35/25
Masters 55+ may step – 30/25
Only exception to this workout. 1 Partner may only accumulate box jumps while the other holds Front Bridge.
Every 100m rowed counts as 1 rep for incomplete rounds.