A. 3 position power clean (1 rep per position x 10 sets rest 1m10)
Power clean, Below Knee Power Clean, above knee power clean
start with blank bar
B. 20 min EMOM:
1st min: 12/9 Cals on Rows
2nd min: :30 FLR on rings
3rd min: 10 Hang Power Clean to Overhead 95lb/65lb
4th min: 2 Rope Climbs
1st min: 12/9 Cals on Rows
2nd min: :30 FLR on rings
3rd min: 10 Hang Power Clean to Overhead 95lb/65lb
4th min: 2 Rope Climbs
Rx+ FLR on rings :40 – 115lb/75lb