A. Bench Press (build to 1rm)
use same principles on yesterdays back squat for building
basing sets off of your GOAL 1rm- (goal should be anywhere from 101%-105% of your current PR)
5 @ 50%RM
3 @ 65%RM
2 @ 75%RM
1 @ 85%RM
1 @ 90%RM
1 @ 95%RM
1 @ New 1rm
B. Tabata Push Ups (max reps x 8 sets :20 on / :10 off)
score is total reps within all 8 sets — this is a restest based on earlier in this cycle. Find your number and beat it
Rest 5 min after pushups before Row
C. Partner 3K row (swap every 300m)