A. Segmented Paused Hang Squat Snatch (1 rep every :90 x 9 sets )
Begin by lifting barbell to your hip, lower to above knee position and pause for :02; on the ascend pause once more for :02 at mid hang position before completing squat snatch
start with blank bar and add weight each set
Perform 1 set every 4 min x 5 sets
Max Unbroken Strict Pronated Pullups
50m L-arm OH KB Carry (walk)
50m R-arm OH Carry (walk)
50 double Unders
Max Unbroken Strict Pronated Pullups
50m L-arm OH KB Carry (walk)
50m R-arm OH Carry (walk)
50 double Unders
Rx 24kg/16kg
Masters 55+ 16kg/12kg