Complete as many rounds and reps of the following:
100 Box jumps 24″/20″
100 KB swings 32kg/24kg
100 Toes to bar
50 thrusters
50 Shoulder to overhead
100 Box jumps 24″/20″
100 KB swings 32kg/24kg
100 Toes to bar
50 thrusters
50 Shoulder to overhead
Rx+ 95lb/65lb – 32kg/24kg
Rx 85lb/55lb – 32kg/24kg
55+ 75lb/55lb – 24kg/16kg
Work will be done within 3 minute intervals performed every 5 minutes x 7 sets
In teams of 2: partner A will perform as many reps as they can while partner B runs 100m. Once partner B returns, they will then start where partner A has left off and Partner A will start on their run. After every 3 minutes of work athletes will receive 2 minutes of rest, starting where they left off in the prior round