Monday July 23rd This week is not a waveload. Build to a solid 4 rep, then be sure to increase weight for your 3 rep and 2 rep set. Be precise with tempo. rest 3 min bt your 4,3 & 2 working sets A. 20 min for squatting portion Back Squat (tough 4 rep @ 40X1) Back Squat (3 rep @ 40X1) Back Squat (2 rep @ 40X1) B. 2 rounds for time: 10 Thrusters 145lb/105lb 10 Back Squat 145lb/105lb 10 Bar Muscle up 10 CTB 100 Double Unders Rx 2 rounds for time: 10 Thrusters 115lb/75lb 10 Back Squat 115lb/75lb 10 CTB 10 Pullup 100 Double Unders Masters 55+ 2 rounds for time: 10 Thrusters 95lb/65lb 10 Back Squat 95lb/65lb 7 CTB 7 Pullup 70 Double Unders Scaled: 10 banded CTB/10 Chin over bar/ 100 singles Time CAP 10 min By Port Cross Fit|2018-07-25T23:50:30-04:00July 25th, 2018|WOD|Comments Off on Monday July 23rd Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXLinkedInPinterestEmail