Member Spotlight: Freddy Teixeira

How did you hear about crossfit? 
I heard about Crossfit through my friends.

How long have you been at PCF?
3 Months

What do you like about port crossfit?
Working out with a great group of people

One word to describe yourself:

What have you achieved since starting at PCF?
Competing in The Open and kipping pull-ups!!

What would you like to accomplish? 
Ring Muscle Ups

What are your interests outside of crossfit?
Soccer (FUTBOL)

What do you do for a living? 
Construction Worker/ Soccer Trainer

What is your favorite WOD or lift? 
Box Jumps



A, EMOM x 18 min
Start low and move up in weight if possible
1: Bent Over Barbell Rows (8 reps )
2:  Dbell Z- Press (8 reps )
3: Metcon (No Measure)
:45 Single Unders/ double under practice (whatever your feeling)
Metcon (Time)
For time:
HR Push ups