Saturday April 28th WOD: A, 800m run (Time) @ 85% (1 time) rest 3-5 mins until everyone gets rest Metcon 5 sets: Pull-ups (10 unbroken ) rest :60 Advanced do CTB Dumbell Bench Press (10 reps) rest :60 Front Squat (15 reps ) taken from ground rest :60 rest 5 mins B. For time: Relay run w/ two person team– 200m run each w/ sand bag -L over the shoulder carry -R over the shoulder carry – double arm cradle carry – on Back carry Rx 50/35 By Port Cross Fit|2021-04-07T11:05:35-04:00May 6th, 2018|WOD|Comments Off on Saturday April 28th Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXLinkedInPinterestEmail