EMOM x 12 min
1st min: 12 Hspu
2nd min: 40 Double Unders
3rd min: 12 toes to bar
4th min: 13/10 Cals on ski
1st min: 12 Hspu
2nd min: 40 Double Unders
3rd min: 12 toes to bar
4th min: 13/10 Cals on ski
Rx+ Deficit HSPU 5″/2″, 50 D.U
*1 pt finish in the minute, 2 pt finish in :45, 3 pt finish in :30*
rest 6 mins
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM x 12 min
1st min: 12 Hspu
2nd min: 40 Double Unders
3rd min: 12 toes to bar
4th min: 13/10 Cals on ski
1st min: 12 Hspu
2nd min: 40 Double Unders
3rd min: 12 toes to bar
4th min: 13/10 Cals on ski
Rx+ Deficit HSPU 5″/2″, 50 D.U
*1 pt finish in the minute, 2 pt finish in :45, 3 pt finish in :30*