Member Spotlight: Dana Borruso
This months Member spotlight is on our badass lady Dana! Consistently at class and working her hardest getting better every day. Great job Dana keep it up!
How did you hear about CrossFit?
I first heard about CrossFit through a very good friend, and also my husband had been going to CrossFit for two years. Both of them kept nagging me to try it so finally a year ago I did and now I’m addicted !!!
What do you really like about PCF ?
I really love the whole atmosphere with the coaches supporting you great peers and all the hard work that goes into each and every movement!!
What have you achieved since starting at PCF?
I’ve definitely become more confident and stronger instead of intimidated by all lifts !!
What would you like to accomplish?
I really want to master most of the overhead lifts. The overhead lifts are my weakness 17.3 really got me down because of my form on squat snatches it’s just not there yet it’s something I really need to work on !!
What is something that people might not know about you?
I have three children with my youngest being the delayed he’s been getting services for two years now in the beginning it was very stressful we had people in and out of our house five times a week it was like I was a prisoner in my own home the best thing I could’ve ever done for myself and my family was joining CrossFit it gave me some alone time and allowed me to D stress so I could focus better on helping my son and taking care of my other children on a day to day basis !
What is your favorite lift or WOD ?
My favorite lift is dead lifting or back squatting because my strength mostly comes from my legs my favorite WOD Is anything that’s a very cardio-based work out because my overall endurance is better than my strength
With a partner complete the following:
125 wall ball 20/14 to 10/9ft
100 pull ups
75 airbike cals
50 snatches 115/75#