A. Hang Power Snatch . T&G Power Snatch. OH Squat, 1.1.1 – work to tough set in 15 minutes
B. 12 min AMRAP:
60 Calorie row
50 Wall Balls @ 20lb/14lb
40 KB Swings @ 32kg/24kg
30 CTB / Pullups (Rx+/Rx)
A. Hang Power Snatch . T&G Power Snatch. OH Squat, 1.1.1 – work to tough set in 15 minutes
B. 12 min AMRAP:
60 Calorie row
50 Wall Balls @ 20lb/14lb
40 KB Swings @ 32kg/24kg
30 CTB / Pullups (Rx+/Rx)