Member Spotlight: Justin Goodman; 16 years old
Justin, being one of the youngest PCF members has been working hard and bettering himself each day since beginning at PCF last summer. We have watched Justin continually work hard and make great strides and he is being recognized for his relentlessness; below, Justin is letting us in on his story.
“I became interested in Crossfit because of my parents enthusiasm and excitement about it. I had also watched many videos of people lifting more than double their body weight and that was unbelievable as well, which gave me another motive to sign up. The biggest reason why I love Port Crossfit is the extremely exciting and competitive atmosphere. I find that the other members are consistently encouraging each other to work harder and no one is ever left behind. If I had to pick one word to describe myself, it would be “stronger” both mentally and physically. Since starting at Port Crossfit, I have achieved better strength and endurance to keep up with the competitive atmosphere. What would I like to accomplish? I would like to no longer need to scale work-outs, but that’s a long way to go. Something others may not know about me is that I wear glasses but refuse to put contacts in. Lastly, my favorite lift out of all of them has to be the power clean, a simple lift but one wrong move and you can mess the whole lift up.”
EMOM x 16 minutes:
1st min: 4 Deadlifts (start light and build each set)
2nd min: :30 Front Bridge
+ rest 4 min +
4 rounds for time w/ partner: (4 rounds each)
16/14 Calories on rower
8 Box jump overs @ 24″/20″
*16 minute CAP*
*Cals for a cause- 2/10! sign your team up today!*