Split Jerk (3 reps x 5 sets every 1m30)
(start blank bar)
— your last set of 3 should be slightly challenging.. not a max
right into ..
Split Jerk (2 reps x 5 sets every 1m30)
your first set of 2 should be slightly above last set of 3
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
4-8 UB kipping hspu

Rx+ 4-8 UB Deficit kipping hspu @ 5″/2″
55+/15-; DROM 25lb plus abmat

Score is each round of complete reps… ex 5 sets of 5 = 25
**scale pike push up on box

rest from 5-8 min on clock
8-15: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
7 min AMRAP
2 Wall walk
7 Toes to bar
14 Walking Lunges